December 22, 2020 Cyber Safety | Screen Time | Mobile Apps | Social Media

Make your social media feed spark joy

November 3, 2020 Cyber Safety | Screen Time | Cyberbullying | Social Media | hate-following
Hate-following: Why we love the drama

The people we follow on social media are not necessarily the ones we like, let alone admire. “Hate-following” is a thing.

October 21, 2020 Cyber Safety | Cyberbullying | Digital Parenting | Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship [INFOGRAPHIC]

With the rise of distance learning and 1:1 schools, helping your children navigate the digital world is critical. Check out this infographic to learn more about the nine elements of digital citizenship and what steps parents can take to ...

September 23, 2020 Cyber Safety | Cyberbullying | Digital Parenting | Doxxing | Data Mining
Doxxing: What it is, and how to prevent it

Fanatical Taylor Swift fans vowed to get their revenge on a music critic whose review of her new album was insufficiently ecstatic. They posted the writer’s address and phone number on Twitter - resulting in an avalanche of online abuse ...

June 18, 2020 Parental Controls | Cyber Safety | Digital Parenting | TikTok
TikTok just got safer… in theory

Young people can’t get enough of TikTok - and with good reason. But it makes parents nervous - also with good reason. Now, the app has launched a range of safety features designed to address mounting privacy and abuse concerns.

April 6, 2020 Cyber Safety | Digital Parenting | Houseparty
'Houseparty' is off the hook right now; what parents need to know

The teen-targeted video-chatting app, Houseparty, has exploded over the past few weeks, as housebound kids turn towards their screens to connect with friends. But privacy concerns abound, amid increasing reports of data breaches, ...

February 19, 2020 Parental Controls | Cyber Safety | Screen Time | Mobile Apps
How to be the digital mentor your child needs

Managing kids’ devices is critical for their health and wellbeing. But parents who also mentor their kids’ screen-time see the most positive outcomes.

January 14, 2020 Cyber Safety | Digital Parenting | Social Media
Social Media: What is the right age to allow access?

One of the most common questions we receive at Family Zone is 'How old should my child be before I allow them to use Social Media?' We sat down with three leading cyber experts who have all shared their opinions on what age they feel kids ...

December 17, 2019 Parental Controls | Cyber Safety | Cyberbullying | Online Gaming
The 5 Real Costs of Online Gaming

With Christmas Holidays approaching, you can safely bet the gamers in your family will be spending bulk time online. Gaming has always been a popular activity among young people. Today however, online gaming is far increasing in popularity ...

December 2, 2019 Cyber Safety | Digital Parenting | Sexting
How to talk to your children about sexting

Having “The Talk” has never been easy. Conversations about sexual relationships have plagued parents for generations, and with all the technologies available now, it’s even more difficult in some ways.

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