Linewize - release notes

Connect for Windows 3.1.2

23 December, 2021

Welcome to Connect for Windows release 3.1.2!

This is a small but important release that updates several packages in the Linewize Connect for Windows agent that may have been susceptible to the log4j vulnerability. We will be rolling this update to all users automatically from today (23rd of December 2021, starting at 2:30 pm AEST). We strongly encourage you to ensure that all Windows devices using Connect have been updated to 3.1.2.

We’re also fixing an issue in this release that stopped the text-to-speech Chrome plugin Co.Writer from working when Man in the Middle (MITM) is enabled.

School Manager 2021-019 Release Notes

23 December, 2021

Welcome to School Manager 2021-019!

We have introduced more improvements to the Advanced Connection Search to help you generate reports more quickly and accurately. We have also introduced improvements to the emailed reports and squashed a few bugs.

The Advanced Search Report is on limited release to our Early Access Schools. To know more about this feature, contact  Linewize Support (United States (844-723-3932) | Australia 1300 687 052 | New Zealand 0800 445 206).

Updates & Improvements

Improved Advanced Connection Search

The Advanced Connection Search now features more accurate report generation.

The Date Picker now lets you choose a specific date range

The date picker now lets you choose a specific date range for generating Advanced Search Reports. Instead of selecting from a preset number of days, you can now specify the date range which results in more accurate and faster report generation. Should you reach the limit on the data set, the application will prompt you to adjust the parameters.

The Date Picker defaults to the current date

When you open Advanced Connection Search the date picker will show the current date by default, allowing for a more efficient and relevant report generation. And when you refresh or go back to the page, the date picker will still automatically select the current date.

Dropdown lists display options based on your selected date range

The dropdown lists which set the parameters for generating reports now more accurately reflect the selected date range. The options available in the dropdown lists increase or decrease according to the date range that you have selected.

The options for each dropdown reflects the available options that occur within the selected date range. If an option is not available in the drop down list, then that option did not occur within the specified date range.

Improved user experience for Emailed Reports

We have introduced several improvements to the Emailed Reports to give you a better user experience, including giving a crisper look to the Linewize logos in Red Flag Alert and Filtering Alert emails. We have also removed extra spaces to give our Rate Limiting emails a better look and feel.


Removed hyperlinks from URLs of blocked sites in emailed reports and alerts

To prevent accidental opening of filtered sites, we removed the hyperlinks from the URLs that are included in Email Alerts. When you receive a new Email Alert, the URL provided in the message will be in plain text instead of linked text.

An additional upcoming update will remove the hyperlinks from URLs for Red Flag emailed reports.

Fixed SIS import using OneRoster Oauth2

We have fixed an issue with OneRoster Oauth2, which caused importing data to fail. Data integration through Oauth2 now works and presents no issue.

Fixed a bug that caused a utility library to crash when emails have unicode characters.

We have fixed an issue with a shared library which previously crashed and prevented School Manager from sending important email alerts that contained unicode characters.

School Manager 2021-018 Release Notes

6 December, 2021

Welcome to School Manager 2021-018!

This release of School Manager introduces an update to the Knowledge Drawer by making it context-sensitive.

When you select Help on the toolbar, the Knowledge Drawer immediately presents links to help articles that are relevant to the School Manager screen that you are viewing. Previously, users had to refresh the screen to access the relevant guides on the Knowledge Drawer.  

Classwize 2021-007

3 December, 2021

Welcome to Classwize Release 2021-007

This week’s release is just a quick one to make some improvements for our schools that have Chat enabled.

  • We’ve returned the teacher-to-individual-student announcement feature to schools with Chat enabled. We had resounding feedback from teachers in these schools that they wanted multiple ways to message their students, and that meant bringing back individual announcements.
    Your school’s IT team can turn this back on using School Manager > Classwize Configuration > Message Students.
  • Chat now automatically toggles off at the end of every class, and we’ve added a little popup to remind you that will happen.
  • We’ve changed the meaning of the green and red dots in the chat interface.
    • Green dot: If you see the green dot, chat has been enabled and you have no unread messages.
    • Red dot: If you see the red dot, chat is enabled and you have one or more unread messages.

School Manager 2021-017 Release Notes

25 November, 2021

Welcome to School Manager 2021-017!

This release of School Manager features improvements to the Red Flag and Filter Alert emails.   

New Red Flag and Filter Alert Features

Link to sign in to School Manager

We’re making sure that email alerts and reports help you jump quickly into School Manager whenever you need to take action immediately. Once you have reviewed the emails, simply scroll down the page to find the Sign in to School Manager link. 

Links to School Manager help articles and support 

School Manager email alerts and reports now include links to help guides that are relevant to the reports. Simply select How to use this report on the footer for instant access to our knowledge base articles. 

If you want to speak or chat to our technical support specialists, select Contact Support.

A consistent and modern appearance

The Red Flag and Filter email alerts now have a more consistent and modern appearance, featuring branding elements, such as background colors, logos, and alert or report type. The new design ensures it’s easier for you to scan the message without missing relevant information.  

Classwize 2021-006

19 November, 2021

Welcome to Classwize Release 2021-006

We’ve got a bumper update for you this time, containing a lot of work we’ve done over the past few months to improve Classwize and release new features.

The big news is that we've been rolling out our new Classwize Chat feature to schools that have a Chrome environment. Classwize Chat allows teachers to direct-message students in their current class without letting students chat with each other. 

We’ve also continued to make big improvements to the Live View feature by adding the ability to take high-quality, time-stamped screenshots of students’ screens!

If you’re not at a school with Chat or Live View yet, don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about you! We’re working hard to bring these features to you. In the meantime, we have made improvements to your Classwize experience, including making Google Maps much more responsive for your students.

For Teachers

  • Google Maps now loads faster for students than a particularly disinterested sloth.
  • The Latest News button now remembers if you’ve clicked on it since the last published update. 
  • Schools with large numbers of groups should notice that Classwize is snappier in general.
  • We improved overall performance by:
    • removing some unnecessary feature audits.
    • optimizing the way Classwize looks for information based on student emails and usernames.
    • stopping Classwize from trying to check against the list of restricted users except when it needs to. 
  • We’ve renamed the students’ Chrome extension from Linewize Connect to Connect for Chrome - Education. Students can see this name if they click on the Extensions button in their Chrome browser.
  • Class tools are now disabled in classes that don’t have any students in them. 
  • Classwize could get stuck on a loading animation if you tried to start a class from within the class. 
  • You shouldn’t need to refresh Classwize to get List View to appear with content in it. 
  • We’ve tweaked the design of the login page to make it more consistent with our other products. 
  • We’ve streamlined how you create Classwize rules. You can no longer create rules that only last for a few minutes, and all the ways you can create a rule now use the same popup. 

Live View

  • You can now take screenshots of students’ screens in Live View! Open up Live View for one of your students and click the Screenshot button to take a timestamped PDF screenshot of the student’s screen.
  • We’ve improved Live View’s performance by slightly lowering the resolution of screenshots and making some changes to the service we use to send data back and forth between your computer and your students’ devices.
  • You should see fewer cases of ‘Tab has not loaded’ when looking at a student’s active tab. 
  • Live View performs better for users in Monitor Mode.

Classwize Chat

  • We released Classwize Chat to Chrome-environment schools!
    • Teachers can direct-message any student in their class.
    • All messages are logged and timestamped.
    • Students can't message other students.
    • Chat only works while classes are running and school is in session.
    • Chat is off for each class by default.
  • The chat bubble now disappears on students’ devices when you disable Chat for your class. Sorry students, you can’t use the bubble to tell if Classwize is running or not anymore.
  • You asked for it and we’ve delivered it: hyperlinks now work in chat!
  • We’ve heard that everyone is pretty tired of unwanted push notifications, so we:
    • turned off push notifications for classes that you’re not actively looking at. 
    • stopped the ‘class ends in five minutes’ notification from appearing if you end the class early.
    • updated the chat interface with instructions on how to turn off push notifications entirely for Classwize through your browser.
  • Reading a message will now mark that message as read for all teachers of a class. 
  • Clicking outside of the chat window will close the chat interface.
  • If chat is turned off, clicking on the ‘Turn on chat’ button will turn chat on instead of sending you to an article telling you how to do it.
  • The Chat interface won’t show classes that you’ve archived.
  • We made the student search bar stick to the top of the student list so you don’t lose it when you scroll down.
  • We now let you know if you message a student who can’t reply because they’re not using Connect for Chrome - Education Edition
  • Students can send messages to the teachers of their class even if those teachers aren’t set as owners of that class group in School Manager. 
  • We changed the default font for the student’s Chat interface to be the ever-stylish Roboto. 
  • Classes with unread messages now appear at the top of your class list when you open up Chat.
  • The number in the unread messages button was off-center and that bothered us. A lot.
  • Teachers and school administrators who monitor or are co-teachers of more than one class and who have Connect for Windows or macOS won’t get spammed by chat messages from all of their classes.
  • Students should only receive the ‘your chat is being monitored’ message once per day, when they first open up chat, instead of multiple times per day seemingly at random.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause Classwize to crash when enabling chat for a class.
  • We removed some unnecessary UI elements from monitor mode. 
  • If a student messages you while you’re chatting with them, their message will automatically be marked as read.
  • We improved performance by only returning grabbing new messages from our servers, rather than all of them from all time. We also only get and show unread messages from the Class the student is currently active in.

IT Administrators

  • Parent and Child School Manager devices now have the same Classwize URL.
  • Google Classroom will sync all classes and students with School Manager even if there is a bad or external domain email address in the sync data set.
  • If you have enabled Safe Search on Bing, it will now only trigger for identified Bing domains and not any URL that contains the word ‘bing’ (e.g.
  • We’ve improved how the Connect for Chrome extension performs in Parent/Child device configurations by:
    • fixing a timeout error caused by a device id/authentication mismatch when the user was connected to the Child device. 
    • cleaning up our code for detecting whether the user was connecting to the Parent or Child device.
  • The Connect for Chrome extension no longer requires a restart if it fails to authenticate the first time, and we have improved how it handles authentication in general.
  • The config gateway no longer spams the monitor class endpoint.
  • The service that determines if a signature is blocked or allowed no longer accepts requests for a verdict if the requestor doesn’t have a school manager device ID.
  • We improved logging of Google authentication errors. 

School Manager 2021-015 Release Notes

11 November, 2021

Welcome to School Manager 2021-015!

This release contains a fix that was affecting the behavior of the “What’s New” icon on the School Manager dashboard, as well as an update to the date picker behavior.

Updated Date Selector

The date picker now defaults to the current date. In addition, when a user selects a different date, their date selection will appear on all subpages, and School Manager will retain the date until the user picks another date,  logs out, or closes the School Manager screen.  

Stationary “What’s New” icon 

We have fixed an issue with the “What’s New” icon on the toolbar, where the icon would move around the screen while the user scrolls through the application. This icon now remains stationary. 


School Manager 2021-014 Release Notes

3 November, 2021

Welcome to School Manager 2021-014!

We continue to introduce improvements to School Manager by giving you quicker access to help documentation. We have also renamed some of Classwize’s configuration items within School Manager.

New Features & Improvements

Knowledge Drawer integration

We have made it easier for you to access Help pages by embedding links to documentation within School Manager. Access our feature and and how-to guides by clicking the Help button at the top of the interface, and the knowledge drawer will appear on the side.
The knowledge drawer opens with document categories and you can also use the Search feature to instantly locate the most relevant articles.

Renamed Classwize configuration items within School Manager

We have given several configuration elements of the School Manager application that control Classwize functionalities a new name.
These elements have been renamed to better clarify their use, and when you navigate to Configuration > Classwize, you will notice that:

  • “Lock” has been renamed to “Pause Internet”
  • "Message Class" has been renamed to "Class Announcement (one-way)"
  • "Policies" has been renamed to "Classwize Rules"
  • “Open tab” has been renamed to “Open site”
  • “Close tab” has been renamed to “Close tab” (Chromebook only)


Teacher sign-in should only display teachers

We have fixed an issue where the list of teachers who have signed in to the application includes non-teachers. This correction now only allows teacher sign-ins to be displayed on the list.

School Manager 2021-013 Release Notes

14 October, 2021

Welcome to School Manager 2021-013!

We continue to add improvements to School Manager with the release of Advanced Connection Search,  updates to emailed reports’ look and feel, and bug fixes to Safe Search display issues and LDAP configurations.

New Features & Improvements

Advanced Connection Search (ACS)

ACS is a new feature that allows users to generate connection data reports to help them troubleshoot issues with access, conduct forensic analysis, and build detailed usage reports. Data generated in the reports are based on the device’s timezone, and users have the option to select child devices from the Device Selection menu.

Access to ACS data is limited to users with Owner/Global, Filtering/Reporting, and Global Support administrator roles.

ACS is on limited release to our Early Access Schools. For more information about this feature, contactFor more information about this feature, contact Linewize Support (United States (844-723-3932) | Australia 1300 687 052 | New Zealand 0800 445 206).

Improved look and feel for emailed reports

The device ID has been removed from the Weekly and Welfare Report emails. Users now receive emailed reports that look better and are easier to use.

From Student Journey Report to User Journey Report

We tweaked our naming conventions a little by renaming the Student Journey Report to User Journey Report, referring not only to students but also to other users within the School Manager Network.


Fixed the Safe Search display issue

We’ve corrected an issue with the Safe Search configurations where the modal appeared broken when group criteria is used. The modal now displays correctly.

Fixed the LDAP Server Port display issue

We’ve corrected an issue with the LDAP configuration that occurred whenever the port text was removed. The configuration now displays correctly.

School Manager 2021-012 Release Notes

29 September, 2021

Welcome to School Manager 2021-012!

In this release of School Manager, we fixed a bug that caused drop-down lists and options to appear incorrectly when editing rules.