Welcome to SphireOS Release 252.19
- We fixed an issue that could cause a buffer overflow and crash SphireOS.
- We improved the way we capture and log radius accounting packets. This should result in better and more detailed error logs.
- We improved the way we collect statistics on packets.
- The transparent proxy service in SphireOS won’t crash HTTPS inspection is enabled.
- Sphirewall won’t keep trying to send DHCP requests if the link is down.
- Creating a rule with empty or missing criteria won’t cause SphireOS to crash.
- SphireOS no longer cares about letter cases in group names when you’re creating and applying filtering rules.
- We found and fixed a rare case where SphireOS wouldn’t process all LDAP records, resulting in users incorrectly being set as archived.
- SphireOS won’t apply HTTPs inspection to additional subnet ranges if subnets were specified in IP/Subnet notation.
- SphireOS won’t crash if you update user or group configuration while HTTPS Inspection is enabled.