Student Digital Wellbeing:
State of the Nation 2024

Uncover today’s online student safety trends and risk mitigation strategies 

As school leaders and educators, it is now imperative to understand and address the evolving landscape of online safety and its impact on student wellbeing.

Download the report

Technology is evolving quicker than schools can keep up. Now what?

Read the report to learn about:

Key safety statistics
Read crucial data across from leading authority sources in the United States.

Digital trends impacting students 
Learn more about how modern digital trends influence student behavior, online and offline.

Blind spots in student safety & wellbeing
Identify gaps to determine where preventative and intervention efforts are most needed.

State of the Nation: Table of Contents

Where are we now?
The rapid growth of technologies such as generative AI has amplified issues prevalent in modern schools, such as cyberbullying and the spread of misinformation.

What’s Coming?

Why schools need to consider online visibility and digital safeguarding students as strategic imperatives.

Learn about trends that effect student safety today, such as the silencing effect, deepfakes, and up-ageing.

The Digital Safety and Wellbeing Framework

How you can leverage this framework to pinpoint priorities and establish a more effective, dynamic, and resilient digital safety and wellbeing plan over time.

SotN Report